What is difference between dating and relationship?

My few cents about the difference between dating and relationship:

They both go hand in hand, but what is the “actual” difference between dating and relationship? There is not just one difference. There are many subtle differences. Read on to find out what they are.

1. It is mutual

Though this seems obvious, this one is probably the biggest difference between dating and relationship. Dating is great, but each party probably has their own idea about what is happening. While “dating” someone, it might be okay to be dating other people. Unless you two have had some sort of a conversation,

“dating” is not exclusive while being in a relationship is.

2. Commitment!

Like we mentioned, commitment is the key to having a serious relationship versus dating. Once the two of you are committed to each other, a lot more happens than just casual dating. Sure, commitment means exclusive dating, but it also means a potential future. In a relationship, it is not unheard of to discuss things like living together, marriage, kids, and beyond. While dating, those subjects are not typically brought up for some time. Just remember one thing,

“Love doesn’t mean anything if you’re not willing to make a commitment” (Tweet this)

3. Clarity

Though this is not true for every relationship every time, there is a definite difference between dating and relationship when it comes to clarity. While dating, one person may feel one way (exclusive v. open dating) and the other person may feel differently.

While in a relationship, hopefully both people feel comfortable discussing their relationship openly. While just dating, it is hard to sit down and discuss anything in full because of the fear of what the other person is thinking. While in a relationship, you have both already committed to one another, which means the clarity should come easier. With more clarity comes less stress—at least in this area!

“If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy. If our love’s insanity, why are you my clarity” -Zedd

4. Communication

Speaking of clarity, communication comes easier in a relationship than it does while dating. Relationships absolutely have their communication issues and of course everyone is different, but there is something reassuring about a relationship.

See also  Dating Relationships With Mature Singles

Little things—like leaving the seat down, or not calling you after work—are things that end up being a tiny bit easier to discuss while in a relationship. While dating, everyone is trying not to step on each other’s toes still. Relationships bring comfort and open communication—hopefully!

5. Time

Dating implies a certain casual demeanor. Relationships imply something else. While dating a person, you are still prioritizing your life and your friends and your job. While in a relationship, priorities quickly shift and you end up spending more time with your partner.

“The greatest gift you can give someone you love unconditionally is your time” -Unknown (Tweet this)

Both things are great. Dating is great because it is nice to pursue someone while also having time to yourself. Relationships are great because it is really special to have someone to spend all of your time with.