God Wants Us to Celebrate!

Holy hoopla! Did you know our God loves celebrations? He loves to see His children celebrate. He is not a cruel, old tyrant, but a joyous God who has fixed certain times of celebration for His people. God’s goal is for us to be in continual celebration. The Holy Spirit has inspired a plan for us to celebrate joyous events in our lives and in the lives of others close to us. If you want to find out how “a cheerful heart has a continual feast” (Prov.15:15), read on. And if you, like many, are finding that the typical celebrations of our Western world are leaving you empty, find out about God’s system of celebrations.

God wants us to celebrate to show our appreciation for His love and grace in our lives. He wants to be with us in unity so that His joy in us will be spread about in our hearts. This becomes a healing medicine to us and those around us. Celebration shows our love for God in that we recommit ourselves to love Him with all our strength, will, mind and heart.

When we receive blessings, gifts and promises from God, He expects us to spend time in celebration. It helps us to accept what God has given us. It also allows the Holy Spirit time to work with us so that we grow in understanding, wisdom and discernment. We can then appreciate, use or cause others to be blessed by what has happened to us.

When God bestows a promised gift, He expects us to celebrate in the Holy Spirit with songs and prayers of thanksgiving.

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When He gives us new understanding or new truth, we are to celebrate in fasting, prayers, songs and meditations (14 days).

When God blesses us with a marriage (14 days), a new child (30 days), a friend, a grandchild, a new brother or sister in Christ, or one that has been reclaimed, we are to celebrate, showing love by a gathering of friends, by praises to God, shouts of joy and by issuing blessings (7 days).

When blessed with a friend or a child that has accepted Jesus and has been baptized we are to celebrate by parties, issuing blessing, songs of joy and prayers of thanksgiving (7 days).

When God blesses us with an anointing, an ordination, or a ministry, we are to celebrate by fasting, prayers, intensive Bible studies and meditation. These ministries do not become effective until the celebration times have past. God then blesses the works of these ministries as they are done in accordance with His will (14 days).

When Jesus enters us to heal unforgiveness and/or deep hurts, to end long-term pain or to give us repentance of pet sins, we celebrate first in prayers, then in songs of joy and finally in study to understand what price He had to pay to heal our soul. It is a time of learning for overcoming and maintaining what Jesus has given us (7 days).

When our race has been run and our body is worn out, God has given us a special celebration where we yield our spirit up as a final gift to God. It is the prayer of release and thanksgiving for our life – for winners in Jesus.

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The unbinding of errors is a celebration of dedication to God – a time of fasting, songs of thanksgiving, of study, prayers and meditations. It is a joyous time (7 days).

When God answers our prayers, we celebrate with a day of song in our heart.

When God bestows a divine miracle in our live, 3 days of celebration songs, prayers and the confessing of God’s mercies in our life are in order.

When our Father bestows His gift of zoe life, He expects us to spend the rest of our lives in celebration and in songs of joy to God.

God wants us to celebrate the anniversary dates oa our being born again, our baptism, marriage, ministries and even our birthdays with songs of thanksgiving and gatherings of friends to issue blessings and prayers.

The celebration time for a child coming of age is 2 days, receiving a gift from the Holy Spirit is 7 days and a miracle in the life of a mate, child or friend is 1 day.

Celebration times run in an accumulating fashion. God’s goal in all this is to get us into the habit of continual celebration.