What is Fashionable?

Fashion is fitting into the scene and making one look the best that he or she can look. Fashion is the norm of clothing, cars, homes, and yes, even pets. Fashion is fashionable. What is fashionable though?

Fashions change all the time. There are some constants about fashion though. The outfits should fit appropriately and be flattering. The vehicles should be safe and clean. The homes should be comfortable and personable. The pets should be well cared for. Now that we know the constants, how does one achieve these constant fashions?

Fashionable outfits typically sport the name of a high end designer. This is not necessary though, since in other parts of the world, say the Philippians, fashionable pants include the Levi pant line. This is considered an expensive brand in the United States, but in other parts of the world, it is. Fashionable clothing is clothing that fits well and compliments the body of the wearer. Fashionable clothing does not show too much skin or appear to be too tight. Fashionable clothing does not restrict movement, but rather enables the individual to be as comfortable and natural as possible.

Fashionable cars are much like fashionable clothing. What is expensive in one country is not in the other. In America, the BMW is considered one of the most expensive cars on the market. In Bosnia, everyone drives a BMW and people want the Ford Taurus. How is that for luxury and fashion? A fashionable car is a vehicle with personality and is clean at the same time. There should be plenty of the driver in the car and plenty of car to be seen. Dirty is never fashionable and clutter is much like dirt.

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Fashionable homes are sketchy. Everyone wants a home. Homes in themselves are fashionable. A fashionable home is a home that is well put together with general themes for each room. The living room should not have lawn chairs. The dining room should not have a weight bench. The kitchen should not be storage room. Fashionable homes are all about themes and cleanliness.

Fashionable pets are scary. While it can be “fashionable” to have a specific breed, it is far more ‘fashionable” to have a healthy and happy pet. Remember though, pets are for life, not for fashion. Once you get a pet, you are in a till death-do-you-part relationship with that pet. Think before you purchase.