Should You Start A Dating Relationship With Someone You Work With?

Having a dating relationship with a co-worker is becoming more and more common these days. There are some people who feel that work and pleasure shouldn’t mix and that relationships at work are bad for business. But if you’re one of the people who feels that you can have a success relationship dating a co-worker, then this article is for you.

Having a successful dating relationship with a co-worker doesn’t have to be all bad. I know you’ve probably heard stories about how it didn’t end up working too well in the end – but this doesn’t have to be your situation. In fact, you too can have success at work if you follow a few key guidelines.

Here’s guideline number 1.

1) Look for a company policy

There are actually company policies that forbid having a dating relationship at work. You should check to see if your company has one as you don’t want to lose your job over dating. You have to think about your career and if that means more to you than a relationship with a co-worker.

Here’s tip number 2.

2) Organize a group event

If your company doesn’t have a policy and doesn’t frown on dating co-workers, then it’s time to start making plans to ask the special lady out. One thing that you could do is organize a special lunch event and invite her to come too. This will be subtle move on your end but with the group around, your motives won’t be as obvious. It doesn’t just have to be a lunch event, you could hold a party somewhere and invite her there. All kinds of opportunities exist for you if you just look in all the right places.

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3) Start an office relationship first

You will want to start an office relationship first before you start a romantic one. This will ensure that you both know each other well and that each other’s likes and dislikes are well known. This is also a more professional approach as it’s better to establish basis first before you just walk up and approach her.

4) Don’t let it affect your performance

One of the biggest reasons most people don’t like work relationships is that work performance may suffer. If infidelity is in the mix, this can take a toll on the mind and can drastically affect how you are working from an individual standpoint. You will want to do your best to try and make things work, but if it doesn’t, don’t let your work performance suffer because of it.

5) Avoid public interaction around the job

You never want to hold hands or be caught kissing at work as this can lead to all kinds of events. It’s probably even best to keep your relationship under wraps indefinitely until you-two take things to another level such as marriage. Until then, avoid all public interaction as your relationship will be the focus of company gossip.

All of these tips should help you out when deciding to date a co-worker. Be sure to start using them today to have the kind of success with women that you desire.