Is Your Home Business Giving You The Lifestyle You Want?

If running a business from home is the key to lifestyle freedom, why are so many parents who run a business from home feeling like they are on a never ending hamster wheel?

Let’s explore some of the reasons:

Working for yourself should be the ultimate in success, freedom, fulfillment and creating the lifestyle you want for yourself.

If the above statement is true (and I believe it is), then it begs the question “why is it not the case for so many people?”

Looking round there are many parents running a business from home facing very similar challenges – working much longer hours then they want to, not hitting the profit levels they want, family life compromised, relationships suffering, not time for really living life – to name but a few! Why is this?

Well, the reasons can be many and complex. Different contributing factors can apply to each individual and their unique circumstances. Having said that, there are things you can do to put your business on the path to providing the lifestyle you want for yourself.

Here are some suggestions for getting started:

• Stop seeing your business and lifestyle as separate entities.
• Clearly define what your ideal lifestyle looks like, with no limitations.
• Include your lifestyle vision when creating your business model.
• Ensure your business strategy and action plans are tailored to achieve your lifestyle goals.
• Put in place measurement methods to show the impact your business is having in creating your ideal lifestyle. Always use measurement tools to drive your decisions and actions.

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Now, these tips make the assumption that you regularly review your business vision, strategy, performance goals and action plans. If you don’t do these things, that is your starting point right there! These things are key to consistent and sustainable business results.

The point I am making is this:

If you want to achieve Business Success & Lifestyle Freedom you have to start by designing it.

I can’t stress highly enough the importance of this – create a vision that incorporates both your business and lifestyle that is clear, specific, measurable and really lights a fire in your belly.

Working for yourself is your key to lifestyle freedom – use it wisely!

What will you do to stop being a slave to your home business and use it to support you having the family life and lifestyle you truly want? It is important to remember that it is totally within your control to mould your home business to support the family life and lifestyle you really want.